
2023年11月30日—InFinder,navigatetoApplications>Utilities.FindandlaunchActivityMonitor.AnotherMactaskmanagershortcutistofirstopenSpotlight ...,2021年2月13日—ActivityMonitorisausefultoolyoucanusewhentroubleshootingproblemswithyourMac.Here'showtouseit.,瞭解如何使用Mac上的「活動監視器」來檢視App如何使用處理器、磁碟、記憶體、網路等等的相關資訊。,LearnhowtouseActivityMonitoronyourMactoviewinforma...

Activity Monitor on Mac

2023年11月30日 — In Finder, navigate to Applications > Utilities. Find and launch Activity Monitor. Another Mac task manager shortcut is to first open Spotlight ...

How to Use Activity Monitor to Troubleshoot Mac Problems

2021年2月13日 — Activity Monitor is a useful tool you can use when troubleshooting problems with your Mac. Here's how to use it.

Mac 活動監視器使用手冊

瞭解如何使用Mac 上的「活動監視器」來檢視App 如何使用處理器、磁碟、記憶體、網路等等的相關資訊。

Activity Monitor User Guide for Mac

Learn how to use Activity Monitor on your Mac to view information about how apps are using the processor, disks, memory, network, and more.

How to Access the Activity Monitor on Your MacBook

How to Access the Activity Monitor on Your MacBook · 1. Click the Finder on your dock to open a Finder window. · 2. Click Applications on the sidebar of the ...

How to open activity monitor on a Mac using OSX

Double-click on the Activity Monitor icon to open the utility; Review the tabs at the bottom of the Activity Monitor to see information and statistics ...

Activity Monitor on MacMacBook AiriMac

Activity Monitor is a useful app pre-installed on all macOS devices, including MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, and iMac. It helps users monitor and manage system ...

How to use Activity Monitor in macOS Ventura

2023年8月21日 — Activity Monitor ships with macOS and lives in /Applications/Utilities. To run it, double-click it from the Finder in the Utilities folder.

How to Use the Activity Monitor App on Mac

2020年5月22日 — To monitor your CPU, network or disk usage as a live graph right in the Dock, choose View -> Dock Icon -> Show Disk Activity from the menu bar, ...